
《Head First PMP(中文版)(第2版)》以生动有趣、毫不乏味的方式全面涵盖了《PMBOK指南》的原理。这本书以特有的方式帮助你为认证考试充分做好准备,不仅仅回答具体的问题,更着重于从全局思考项目管理。通过结合具体的上下文讨论各个项目管理概念,你将能够理解、记住并灵活应用这些概念。不只是应对考试,还将充分运用于工作中。正是因为这个原因,才会有如此多的人仅凭《Head First PMP(中文版)(第2版)》就一举顺利通过PMP考试!通过应用神经生物学、认知科学和学习理论的最新研究成果,《Head FirstPMP(第二版)》采用丰富直观的形式使你的大脑真正开动起来,而不是长篇累牍地说教,让你昏昏欲睡。

作者: 格林 , 斯泰曼
出版社: 中国电力出版社
副标题: 第二版
译者: 林琪 , 王宇 , 刘亮
出版年: 2012-1
页数: 795
定价: 99.00元
丛书: O’Reilly深入浅出系列
ISBN: 9787512316447

作者简介 :
Andrew Stellman
Jennifer Greene and Andrew Stellman have been building software together since 1998. Andrew comes from a programming background, and has managed teams of requirements analysts, designers, and developers. With her testing background, Jennifer has managed teams of architects, developers, and testers. She has led multiple large-scale outsourced projects. Between the two of them, they have managed every aspect of software development. Andrew and Jennifer formed Stellman & Greene Consulting in 2003, with a focus on project management, software development, management consulting, and software process improvement. They have worked in a wide range of industries, including finance, telecommunications, media, non-profit, entertainment, natural language processing, science and academia. For more information about them and this book, visit http://www.stellman-greene.com.
Jennifer Greene
Jennifer Greene and Andrew Stellman have been building software together since 1998. Andrew comes from a programming background, and has managed teams of requirements analysts, designers, and developers. Jennifer has a testing background, and has managed teams of architects, developers, and testers. She has led multiple large-scale outsourced projects. Between the two of them, they have managed every aspect of software development. They formed Stellman & Greene Consulting in 2003, with a focus on project management, software development, management consulting, and software process improvement. They have worked in a wide range of industries, including finance, telecommunications, media, non-profit, entertainment, natural language processing, science and academia. For more information about them and this book, visit http://www.stellman-greene.com.


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