
IPB Image

背景底图系列之一: 工作室几何图形篇 by Stockbyte

100 图像, 28MB, 21cm x 28cm 300 dpi
背景底图系列之一: 工作室几何图形篇 – 图像,影像.
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Browsing and keyword searching software included.
100 images, each in three file sizes:

* High-res files: 28 MB, JPEG, print to 8.5 X 11 at 150-200 line screen
* Med-res files: 10 MB, JPEG, print to 5 X 7.5 at 150-200 line screen
* Low-res files: 600 k, TIFF

Studio Geometry Backgrounds: metal surfaces with rivets, dramatic paper fiber textures, layered paper arrangements, shapes and lighting contrasts, string and pin designs, woven paper, three dimensional textures, colorful shape arrangements, close-ups of rusted metal objects and a variety of backgrounds using textures and light.

Colors: Most of the background colors include rusty browns, golds, tans, and soft whites. Others include violet, blue and red shapes.

IPB Image
[杀毒软件] norton interent security
[版 本] 2007
[病 毒 库] 2007-10-15
[安装测试] 通过win XP SP2+Photoshop CS3安装测试
[共享服务时间] 随机
[共享服务器] 随机
[共享条件] 网通


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