
: VTC出品的虚拟机使用快速入门使用教程.

虚拟机(Virtual Machine)指通过软件模拟的具有完整硬件系统功能的、运行在一个完全隔离环境中的完整计算机系统。虚拟机能允许在单独的窗口中运行多个操作系统.类似于在你的电脑中同时运行的应用程序一样.


在这个课程中. Mark Long 会给大家演示如何安装、配置、使用、管理、优化等虚拟机技术的基本要求、原理和一些技巧…….

Course Description:

Virtual Machines are one of those rare technologies that not only make you go ‘wow’, they make you realize that the game just changed.

Virtual Machines allow you to run multiple operating systems in separate windows, similar to an application, simultaneously on your desktop or laptop. Your host system might be Windows 7, but you can boot up a Windows Server 2003 instance in one window and a Linux machine in another window and then network them together!

Virtual Machines make getting hands-on experience with new operating systems and new application upgrades easy, fast and safe for your base computing platform.

In this QuickStart course, author Mark Long gives you the basic understanding and resources you need to get a virtual machine up and running on your computer fast!

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