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3D Studio MAX 对动画师和个人工作室而言,将是改善工作流程与生产力的最佳工具。由於 3D Studio MAX 的工程师们总是不断地精益求精,所有使用 MAX 的动画师们,都能够藉由新版本的演进,保持自己在效率与品质上的先驱。然而,空有最好的工具软体及无限的创意,若无人引导及教学,那在创造力的延生及作品,必定会有许多困难及阻碍,而无法完成您想要的成果。

而本光碟将引导你如何运用强大的3DS MAX 来完全解放你无限创造力!教程透过 3ds max/combustion 的一体化协作,共同创造出极酷并令人惊叹的效果,完成最具体的创意作品。

透过本光碟的教学,让您学习如何运用材质、贴图及特效,以最简易的方式,完成高阶的效果及成品,并有助於您创作流程的增进与效能的提升,您将永远站在 3D 动画的巔峰!

Introducing the only video training program for the integration of discreet’s combustion and 3ds max available on DVD [Region Free] and VHS. This training program from Technical Animations & Video will teach you how to create combustion maps within the material editor in 3ds max.

Let’s face it; there isn’t a whole heck of a lot of training out there for Combustion. Let’s also face it that Combustion is one very cool program. Technical Animation & Video’s 3ds max/combustion Integration training DVD/CD examines how to use Combustion and 3ds Max together to create some very cool and stunning effects.

The DVD starts out with using Combustion to create maps for 3ds Max. It goes through creating simple animated diffuse maps to more complex animated maps and using combustion to create displacement maps and sub-object materials. I cannot tell you how cool this kind of thing is. The DVD goes on to discuss RPF files and what everything does within the 3ds max export dialogue. Although exhaustive, anything less would probably leave the viewer with questions. The DVD continues explaining the RPF file format in Combustion and how the export options act as parts of the imported file. The explanation of RPF is worth the price of admission alone. I have poured over the 3ds and combustion manuals and never understood the file format, the one chapter about RPF made it very clear to me what the whole thing is about. The DVD goes on to discuss video post and applying effects in combustion to the 3D footage, again, this is great. Next camera matching with 3ds max is explained and this is very cool. The final section deals with integrating video footage with a 3D scene in Combustion.

The explanations and instruction in this DVD is excellent. The only complaint that I have is that I don’t have a DVD player on my computer and had to watch the DVD in my bedroom and then go out to the computer to check out what I had learned. Definitely having the two together would have been a big help.

Let me caution you that this DVD will not teach you either Combustion or 3ds Max. It is solely about integrating the two. If you are not familiar with Combustion and Max, it might go a little fast, but hey, you can always watch it again! (And again and again). The DVD comes with a CD ROM that has all of the supporting files on it. This helps out when you are following along with the DVD. Also when I was watching it, sometimes it was hard to see the cursor, since it was white and the DVD used the lighter Combustion interface. (I use the darker one and I just might not be used to the lighter one) This is my very, very minor quibble and actually I got used to the screen very quickly.

One other note is that when you install Combustion and Max, make sure that you have copied the combustion plug-ins to the Max plug-in directory. I didn’t and spent three days trying to figure out why I crashed every time I tried to do any of the exercises. It was probably in the ‘readme’ that I chose not to read.


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Combustion/3DMAX协作教程 TLF-SOFT-Combustion 3ds Max Integration DVD-NoPE-DVD iso → http://www.books51.com/189875.html



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