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中文名: 发条鸟年代记

英文名: The Wind-up Bird Chronicle

资源格式: MP3

发行时间: 2007年05月22日

地区: 美国

语言: 英语


IPB Image


本书是作者篇幅最大的小说三部曲。 失业者冈田亨的妻子久美子在其兄长、众议员,黑暗势力代表人物绵谷升的胁迫下失踪了。冈田身边来了许多怪人:女巫师、“意识娼妇”、失手使男友车祸死亡的少女、旧军人等。同时也发生了许多怪事。冈田到一口深井里冥思苦想后,出来在奇怪的母子“肉豆蔻”、“肉桂”的帮助下向绵谷升挑战,在虚幻中将其击伤,久美子又在现实中将其杀死。本书色彩诡异,规模宏大,虚实交叉,被称为当代的“一千零一夜”。 本书在1997年曾由译林出版,在读者中已具有一定影响。

Bad things come in threes for Toru Okada. He loses his job, his cat disappears, and then his wife fails to return from work. His search for his wife (and his cat) introduces him to a bizarre collection of characters, including two psychic sisters, a possibly unbalanced teenager, an old soldier who witnessed the massacres on the Chinese mainland at the beginning of the Second World War, and a very shady politician.
Haruki Murakami is a master of subtly disturbing prose. Mundane events throb with menace, while the bizarre is accepted without comment. Meaning always seems to be just out of reach, for the reader as well as for the characters, yet one is drawn inexorably into a mystery that may have no solution. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is an extended meditation on themes that appear throughout Murakami’s earlier work. The tropes of popular culture, movies, music, detective stories, combine to create a work that explores both the surface and the hidden depths of Japanese society at the end of the 20th century.

If it were possible to isolate one theme in The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, that theme would be responsibility. The atrocities committed by the Japanese army in China keep rising to the surface like a repressed memory, and Toru Okada himself is compelled by events to take responsibility for his actions and struggle with his essentially passive nature. If Toru is supposed to be a Japanese Everyman, steeped as he is in Western popular culture and ignorant of the secret history of his own nation, this novel paints a bleak picture. Like the winding up of the titular bird, Murakami slowly twists the gossamer threads of his story into something of considerable weight. –Simon Leake –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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