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中文名: 希特勒与斯大林-第二次世界大战东方战线

原名: Hitler Vs Stalin—The Eastern Front In Photographs

版本: [PDF]

地区: 美国


IPB Image

* 产品详情:

* 定价: $27.95
* 作者: John Erickson
* 精装: 256页
* 出版: Carlton出版集团(2004年5月)
* 语言: 英文
* 生产: 11.0×9.0×0.8英寸
* 书号: 1844427277

* 引用参考:

关键句—Key Phrases—Statistically Improbable Phrases (SIPs)

关键句—Key Phrases—Capitalized Phrases (CAPs)

* 编辑审查:


*Finally, thanks to John, the entire world is able to read the truth about WW2 events on the Eastern Front.Devil's Advocate-Holle (little nazi pumpkin pie) – we (Allies & Russians) have bitten absolute crap out of your beloved nazi Germany .Enjoy the reality.

* 书中描述:

希特勒与史达林显示残暴恐怖和战争英雄在东部战线,是前所未有的. 300稀有照片,不少来自俄罗斯最近公布档案和以前未曾在西方每个阶段和环节,说明东部战线运动,从纳粹的闪击战提前成绩争夺莫斯科和列宁格勒的围困,通过争取斯大林街、而苏联在库尔斯克和运行bagration成就,秋天的气候与柏林之间的接驳苏联和西方军队一片废墟的"1000年度帝国". 这是总体战的最野蛮形式:近三千万苏联公民和士兵被打死四年的德国侵略者的斗争

Hitler versus Stalin shows the brutality, horror and heroism of war on the Eastern Front as never before.Over 300 rare photographs, many recently released from the Russian archives and previously unpublished in the West, illustrate every phase and aspect of the Eastern Front campaigns, from the Nazis' early blitzkrieg successes, the battle for Moscow and the siege of Leningrad, through the street fighting for Stalingrad, and the Soviet successes at Kursk and Operation Bagration, to the climactic fall of Berlin and the link-up between Soviet and Western armies amid the ruins of the "1000-year Reich".This is total war in its most barbaric form: nearly 30 million Soviet soldiers and citizens were killed during four years of struggle against their German invaders.

* 作者简介:

埃里克森是在已故的约翰ednburge后被大学名誉教授和名誉研究员国防研究. 埃里克森耗时多年研制丈夫策应俄军事务尤其是苏联军队和苏联德国战争

Ljubica Erickson spent many years acting in concert with her husband researching Russian military affairs, in particular the Soviet Army and the Soviet-German war.ljubica

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