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在当今竞争激烈的商业环境中,建立和保持长久的客户关系变得越来越重要。TechExcel CustomerWise 为您提供完整的客户生命周期管理解决方案,帮助您管理各项与客户有关的事件,包括市场、销售以及客户支持等方面,优化事件处理流程,从而赢得更多客户,并提高客户满意度。CustomerWise 可以帮助您全面优化销售、客户服务、和客户支持流程,提高跨部门沟通和合作效率,同时还为您节约成本支出。全面的流程自动化管理、知识管理、客户自助服务管理等功能,将会使您的团队工作事半功倍!


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Server Installation

TechExcel CRM 5.0 Applications support any ODBC-compliant database
including MS Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL.
This setup program provides automatic installation for Microsoft(MS)
Access and Microsoft SQL Server. We recommend that you install the
TechExcel CRM program from the server because the installation process
may require rebooting your computer.

If you are installing the server on Windows 95 or 98, only the MS Access.
If you are installing the server on Windows NT or 2000, you may choose
Microsoft SQL Server, MS Access. Additional database support (ex., Oracle)
involves a certain amount of manual setup. Help can be obtained from our
Web site or technical support staff.

The server installation routine will install the necessary programs,
database files and run-time DLL files on your hard disk.

1) Install the TechExcel CRM Server program first. Microsoft Access,
and Microsoft SQL Server are fully
supported and feature automatic database setup. The
TechExcel CRM Server Installation routine creates
and installs the following directories on to the hard drive:

CRMServer/DB – This directory contains the Microsoft Access.
All TechExcel CRM users should have FULL access privilege
to this directory.

CRMServer/SvClient – This directory contains the TechExcel CRM
Client Install program. All TechExcel CRM users should
have the privileges to read this directory.

CRMServer/Notes – This directory is used for storing the file
attachments. We recommend that a separate sub-
directory be created for each defect-tracking project.
TechExcel CRM users should have proper access privileges
to this directory.

2) If Microsoft SQL Server is selected as the TechExcel CRM database,
a database named SWiseDB will be created automatically.
If you re-install the TechExcel CRM server, please back up
the SWiseDB database and delete the database
from the SQL database, and delete the devices and their
physical files if separate devices were created for the
SWiseDB database.

3) After the TechExcel CRM server is successfully installed, setup the
TechExcel CRM Client from the CRMServer/SvClient directory located
on the server’s hard drive. Locate the server on the shared folder
CRMServer, and run the SETUP.EXE installation program from
CRMServer/SvClient directory. A TechExcel CRM program group
(including TechExcel CRM and TechExcel CRM Setup) will
be created on your client PC. Although the TechExcel CRM CD contains
a CLIENT install program, it requires additional ODBC setup.

4) We recommend that you create a separate TechExcel CRM Notes sub-
directory for each TechExcel CRM project. Creating separate
TechExcel CRM Notes sub-directories helps to organize the project
document, and saves back-up time.

5) To enable auto-notification, the TechExcel CRM mail server must be installed.
While the TechExcel CRM mail server can be installed on any computer, there
should be only one copy of the TechExcel CRM mail server installed.

6) To import your existing customer service data, please prepare
your existing data using Microsoft Access with "Tab" delimiter.
Please confirm all data are correctly prepared by viewing the
data using the Access table or Query. TechExcel CRM import wizard
should guide your through for a smooth and successful
importing process.




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