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中文名: STRATA 3D三维动画模型开发套件

英文名: STRATA 3D CX&3.9


版本: 3.9或者更高

发行时间: 2005年

制作发行: Strata inc.

地区:  美国


IPB Image

部分英文的5.0和Foto 3D说明:
Strata 3D CX 5.0 adds tremendous power while becoming even more user-friendly. Workflow and tools are now more familiar than ever to Adobe customers. More power for modeling, animating – and now scripting – have been added to Strata 3D CX 5.0. In short, this is the most important 3D application release for designers, illustrators and mixed-media artists – ever.

Entering a new world can be confusing. Strata 3D CX takes artists into the third-dimension using familiar and friendly interface elements that make the journey a pleasure. New palette features such as Docking, Stacking, Expert Settings and Auto-Collapse have been added. The new Status palette includes a History tab for multiple undos. Strata 3D CX 5.0 works the way you expect.

Strata 3D CX 5.0 provides new scripting power via the popular Lua scripting language. Used by a host of 3D games and engines, Lua gives the user the power to add almost any feature or effect they desire. And for those not inclined to do scripting they can rely on an army of third-party developers and users to create and share new scripts. Scripts that ship with Strata 3D CX 5.0 include Twist, Bend, Wave and more.

The most powerful modeling technique going is SDS (subdivision surface) – and Strata 3D CX 5.0 takes it even further by adding support for Quad Meshes and the Catmull-Clark algorithm. The CX Polyspline modeler has also added the new Magic Wand tool, support for Mirror, Bridge, Connect, Flip, Unify and more.

CX 5.0 introduces the Motion Stopwatch and an all new bones and IK (inverse kinematics) system has been added. These powerful new systems also make it possible for a suite of new plug-ins from Greenbrier to be made available for importing Poser models, applying voice control from applications like Mimic and importing motion capture data to apply to your own models.

Possibly the most powerful new features in Strata 3D CX 5.0 are the Adobe connection features. These include improved native Photoshop file import for linked 3D textures and improved native Illustrator import to create 3D objects ; Filter FX where Photoshop-style filters get applied to any object or scene based on position, size, direction, depth, light color, light direction, light distance, etc. ; and Render to Layers where each image component gets rendered out as a separate layer in a native Photoshop “.psd” file .

STRATA还开发了一个叫做Strata Foto 3D的东西,可以由图片转换为模型。目前还没有找到源头,请大家多多关注!

书我要,下载先! http://www.books51.com/ 祝您开卷有益!

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STRATA 3D三维动画模型开发套件 3.9或者更高 Strata 3D 3 9 zip → http://www.books51.com/296047.html



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