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ANSYS DesignSpace很方便从CAD中导入数据。是专门为设计工程师开发的CAE工具;该工具可集成于主流CAD软件之中,采用工程化的界面语言,通过基于知识的有限元自动化技术,依托于30多年CAE经验的ANSYS技术底蕴,为设计人员带来了一个不需专业CAE知识即可轻松地对设计进行分析的工具。这一工具与ANSYS DesignXplorer相结合,可在产品设计的前期对设计方案进行反复的分析、评估和优化,进而以最短的设计周期和最低的设计成本设计出高品质的产品。

ANSYS DesignSpacee是一个完全参数化的环境,可与CAD系统进行双向的数据传递和链接。ANSYS DesignSpace具有多种智能化的分析“向导”,使用人员只需一步步跟着“向导”,即可完成某种特定的分析。自动装配功能可自动探测接触面,自动定义接触,从而使复杂的接触分析变得简单容易。获得美国专利的工程计算报告自动生成技术,可大大减轻设计人员的工作量,并便于计算报告的管理和规范化。

ANSYS DesignSpace产品功能


·与CAD相关及双向参数传递线性静力及非线性接 触·变形·安全系数计算·模态及预应力模态·热及热应力·非线性材料热属性·非线性对流换热系数·拓扑优化·自动自适应精度







·Solid Edge
·Mechanical Desktop

·自动面-面接触设置·绑定接触·无摩擦滑动接触, —可分离
DesignSpace simulation functionality is organized into four different functionality bundles, additional Modules, CAD Plug-ins, and Kinematics connections that have been designed to meet the needs of particular groups of users. Below is a description of these bundles and a profile of the applications that these are best suited. You can click the hyperlink product name to see the feature detail of each bundle bundle below.

DesignSpace – Includes all of the functionality in DesignSpace Entra and adds simulation capability for assemblies utilizing automatic contact capability for rigid and sliding assemblies.

Additional functionality in DesignSpace:

Automatic assembly setup with surface contact
Linear assembly contact
Manual contact properties manipulation
Assembly/part feature accuracy
Advanced assembly visualization
Nonlinear contact
Advanced Functionality – With the ANSYS Workbench environment, DesignSpace users can benefit from seamless interoperability between up-front and full-scale simulation. Once projects are started in DesignSpace, they can easily be saved and opened by a more advanced ANSYS product that contains the required simulation functionality like: nonlinear materials, harmonics, large deformation or advanced contact.

Add-on Modules

DesignXplorer – The DesignXplorer is an application for understanding the analysis response of parts and/or assemblies. By understanding the analysis response, DesignXplorer can be used to:

Create design and analysis charts
Design new members of a family of parts
Optimize a part for new conditions
DesignXplorer uses parameters as its basic language. These parameters can come from various CAD Systems or from the analysis. Structural and thermal responses can be studied, quantified, and graphed. A multiplicity of robust designs may also be obtained by means of a Goals-Driven method of optimization.
DM (DesignModeler) – DM is a geometry tool that allows basic geometry to be created, but most importantly enables models to be modified for simulation purposes. These modification features include, surface creation from solids, spot weld applications, surface dividing and more.

Fatigue Module – Most parts fail over time due to fatigue. The DesignSpace fatigue module allows you extend your simulation to include the performance over the required product life. Innovative result tools make this module very easy to use and, the results are easy to interpret. Download a Fatigue White paper Here

CAE Templates – To meet the need of the advanced users, CAE Templates allows engineers to leverage their design work and, through the use of its templating capabilities, easily advance their design investigation to ANSYS, MSC/NASTRAN, ABAQUS, or in-house codes. CAE Templates also assists engineers in automating the set-up and posting of results from advanced analysis studies.

Multiple Geometry Interfaces – If your company uses multiple CAD systems, multiple geometry interfaces may be used with your DesignSpace products and will provide you with associative simulation for most major CAD packages. Most importantly, when working in a multi-CAD environment, DesignSpace maintains the same operational look, feel and capability. This will minimize your training effort and establish common simulation methods that will permit confident results


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