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操作系统:Windows, Linux
应用平台:Windows 7,Windows x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP, Linux, Linux x64

问题反馈: http://www.pointwise.com/support/
网站链接: http://www.pointwise.com/pw/





Gridgen 前身是美国空军和宇航局出资,由通用动力公司在研制F16战机的过程中于80年代开发的产品。后由美国空军免费发放给美国各研究机构和公司使用。由于各用户要求继续开发该产品,Gridgen的编程人员在1994年成立了Pointwise公司,推出了商用化的后继产品。

Gridgen 功能概述:
Gridgen可以生成多块结构网格、非结构网格和混合网格,可以引进CAD的输出文件作为网格生成基础。生成的网格可以输出十几种常用商业流体软件的数据格式,直接让商业流体软件使用。对用户自编的CFD软件,可选用公开格式(Generic),如结构网格的 PLOT3D格式和结构网格数据格式。Gridgen网格生成主要分为传统法和各种新网格生成方法。传统方法的思路是由线到面、由面到体的装配式生成方法。各种新网格生成法,如推进方式可以高速的由线推出面,由面推出体。另外还采用了转动、平移、缩放、复制、投影等多种技术。可以说各种现代网格生成技术都能在Gridgen找到。Gridgen是在工程实际应用中发展起来的,实用可靠是其特点之一。

Pointwise 功能概述:
Pointwise Pointwise 于2008年1月正式发布,它的发布代表着CFD网格技术一个新时代的到来,它凝聚了Gridgen几十年发展的精华,同时又加入了现代网格技术的最新功能。



3、 灵活性:首先是生成网格技术自动化技术,可以生成和人工干预及控制生成的同样高质量的网格技术。其次是可以从不太完美的CAD数据生成符合你的求解器要求的高质量网格的技术。

4、 技术服务:Pointwise授权仅仅是我们帮助客户成功的承诺的开始。不论客户是遇到技术问题,还是仅仅需要获得Pointwise建议,我们经过专业训练的工程师都随时准备伸出援手。我们不仅生成网格——我们还将建立长期的合作关系。

Pointwise – The Future of Reliable CFD Meshing

Pointwise is a software solution to the top problem facing engineering analysts: mesh generation for computational fluids dynamics (CFD).

Get a Free Trial

Learn how your CFD can benefit from Pointwise meshing software by trying the software for yourself.
The Reliable CFD Meshing You Trust…

Quality – We designed Pointwise so users could be in control, not the system. Whether your grid is structured, unstructured, or hybrid, Pointwise uses high-quality techniques with powerful controls so you can achieve accurate and reliable results while reducing computer resources required.

Flexibility – Pointwise offers the best of both worlds: advanced automation, as well as flexible manual controls for those times when only human intervention can create the outcome you demand. It’s the workhorse that gets you confidently from dealing with less-than-perfect CAD to formatting the grid for your flow solver.

Service – Our commitment to your success is only beginning with your Pointwise license. Whether you encounter a technical issue or just need advice to get the most from Pointwise, our industry-tested engineers are ready to help. We generate more than just grids – we also build long-term relationships.

…With an Interface and Features You’ll Love
We have combined our reliable CFD meshing with modern software techniques to bring you the eponymous Pointwise – a quantum leap in gridding capability. In addition to the high quality grid techniques we have always had, you will appreciate Pointwise’s flat interface, automated grid assembly, and full undo and redo capabilities.

Pointwise’s well-organized and intuitive interface and exceptional functionality give you the tools and the freedom to concentrate on producing the highest-quality grids in the shortest possible time. It’s simple and logical – meaning you don’t have to get bogged down in trying to learn or remember how to use the software every time you sit down with it. But while being easy to use, Pointwise doesn’t sacrifice grid quality. Pointwise provides the power to produce the highest quality grids available. After all, your analysis is only as good as your grid.

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