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GraphiSoft Archicad

  作为全球领先的建筑设计三维一体化软件解决方案的提供者,GraphiSoft 一贯倡导虚拟建筑模型(3D- Virtual Building)设计理念,并将此理念贯穿于产品设计的始终。
  ArchiCAD 是GraphiSoft 公司的旗舰产品,也是当今世界上最优秀的三维建筑设计软件。其基于全三维的模型设计,拥有强大的剖/立面、设计图档、参数计算等自动生成功能,以及便捷的方案演示和图形渲染,为建筑师提供了一个无与伦比的"所见即所得"的图形设计工具。ArchiCAD 内置的 PlotMaker 图档编辑软件使出图过程与图档管理的自动化水平大大提高,而智能化的工具也保证了每个细微的修改在整个图册中相关图档的自动更新,大大节省了传统设计软件大量的绘图与图纸编辑时间,使建筑师能够有更多的时间和精力专注于设计本身,创造出更多激动人心的设计精品。
  同时对于各设计企业来说,ArchiCAD 不仅仅意味着设计生产力的提升,还能够帮助企业更为高效科学地管理与检索设计文档,完善企业的设计标准,提高知识产品的使用价值。
  ArchiCAD 完善的团队协作功能为大型项目的多组织、多成员协同设计提供了高效的工具,团队领导者可以根据不同区域、不同功能、不同建筑元素等属性将设计任务分解,而团队成员可以依据权限在一个共同的可视化项目环境里准确无误的完成协同工作;同时ArchiCAD 创建的三维模型,通过IFC标准平台的信息交互,可以为后续的结构、暖通、施工等专业,以及建筑力学、物理分析等提供强大的基础模型,为多专业协同设计提供了有效的保障。
  ArchiCAD 概览 — ArchiCAD 在协调、控制和虚拟建筑功能三个主要方面进行加强,帮助用户在设计、协同及图纸生成上获得巨大的提升。
  【协同】: 帮助用户在与内部团队和其他专业的协同工作中更好地协调图档。
  【可视化对照】:大大扩展了虚拟追踪的功能使得用户可以在 ArchiCAD 的环境中发现模型与图纸以及导入的其他专业图纸之间的区别,有了这项创新的方法,图纸的协调变成了设计流程中很自如的一部分。
  控制 — 使得用户可以很好地控制详图的质量和水平 Worksheet 工具:提供了一个专门用于编辑由模型生成的 2D 图纸的环境,如生成、编辑以及检察图纸。Worksheet 工具为独立用户提供了一个很好的优化工作流程的方式,它使得设计公司最大程度发挥项目团队专家的优势,在将图档集成到虚拟建筑设计流程的同时提高图纸的质量。
  虚拟建筑增强功能 — 提高虚拟建筑设计的生产力和灵活性,分别包括:
  支持 DWG2007。
  【Google 3D Warehouse】:这个功能将用户的虚拟建筑置于虚拟世界中。用户不仅可以从 Google 3D Warehouse 中下载 3D 的模型,而且可以将自己设计的建筑模型发布到 Warehouse 中从而可以在 Google Earth 中展示。ArchiCAD 是目前唯一支持这种功能的 BIM 系统。

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ArchiCAD 15 enriches architectural forms available for designers to unleash their creative minds, and it also expands the scope of the BIM workflow to include renovation & refurbishment projects.

Enriched architectural forms
The evolution of forms has always walked hand-in-hand with the evolution of structures. From the simplest barrel vaults to the most sophisticated rib vaults, the architect has always aspired to combine durability, utility and beauty (Vitruvius). These very principles can be seen in the finest examples of Modern architecture as well. ArchiCAD 15 expands the design capabilities of its BIM tools, including new Shell structures, to support the broadest spectrum of architectural shapes and forms found in both classical and modern architecture.

New definition of design space
The evolution of the design process has gone through at least as many revolutionary steps as the forms and structures themselves. During the course of the past few decades, architects have gradually left the "flat-lands" of 2D sketching for the exciting "high-lands" of designing in 3D virtual spaces. The increase in freedom brought about by the third dimension, however, adds a new degree of difficulty to orientation in space as well. ArchiCAD 15 introduces 3D guidelines and editing planes to revolutionize the 3D space definition, making the perspective view the natural, 3D environment for building design.

Renovation workflow support
The advent of modern technology has significantly increased the life-cycle of a building. As a result, renovation and refurbishment projects are nearly equal to the volume of new buildings in most of the developed areas of the world. ArchiCAD 15 expands the design scope to renovation and refurbishment projects with native BIM design and documentation workflow support all the way through.

Best-in-class BIM workflow
In addition to the impressive list of new and refined design tools and workflows, ArchiCAD 15 includes improvements to its IFC interface and OPEN collaboration workflow with engineers, full 64-bit support for the Mac OS, and improvements to its parametric object libraries as well.

Top of the IBM-Technology
Teamwork (Teamwork)
ArchiCAD 15 – updated 3D
ArchiCAD 15 – new life for old buildings!
ArchiCAD 15 – pushing the boundaries of design

ArchiCAD Graphisoft the company offers a new approach to architectural design: at the time when you erect the wall, place a ceiling, recessed windows and doors, are building a roof, it creates a single database of three-dimensional model of the building. Later you can retrieve from the database any information you need: detailed drawings of floor plans, sections, elevations, architectural and engineering drawings of parts and fragments, the estimated job specification windows, doors and decoration materials, animation and virtual reality scenes.

You are busy creativity, and ArchiCAD creates all the documentation on the project, that is, takes the tedious work of drawing. The ideology of Virtual Building (Virtual Building) will allow you to make any changes in the draft did not lose any integrity or relevance of the documents.



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