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PureBasic 是一个新的基于"BASIC"标准的"高级"编程语言. 它兼容其它任何 "BASIC" 编译器, 不管它是Amiga 或 PC 格式. 学习 PureBasic非常简单,所以PureBasic已经赢得了很多初学者和资质高深的程序员.
  她语法简单却是非常"高级"的,如指针,结构,过程,动态链表等. 富有经验的程序员可以毫不费力的访问系统支持的结构和 Windows API .
  PureBasic 是一个兼容性广泛的编程语言,支持 AmigaOS (680×0 和 PowerPC) 和 Windows计算机系统. 这意味着同样的代码可以被编译为两种系统的本地代码而流畅运行.没有象虚拟机和解释器那样的瓶颈,生成的代码是一个优化过的可执行程序.外部库是充分优化了的汇编程序,每个程序非常快,命令常常比C/C++还快或等同.
  - 支持486, Pentium (Pro, II, III) 以及更高,支持所有最新系统,支持微软的Vista!
  - 内嵌数组, 动态表, 复合体结构,指针,和变量定义
  - 已支持类型: Byte (8 bits), Word (16 bits), Long (32 bits), Float (32 bits) 和用户自定义类型(结构)
  - 内建字符串类型(characters)
  - 支持常量,二进制和十六进制的数值
  - 常量和数字数据可写在一个表达中
  - 标准算术支持遵守符号优先和括号: +, -, /, *, and, or, <<, >>
  - 高速编译器, 大约 300 000 行/分钟在P200!
  - 过程支持本地和全局变量结构编程
  - 支持所有标准 BASIC 关键词: If-Else-EndIf, Repeat-Until, 等等
  - 使用专用库操纵 BMP 图象, windows, gadgets, DirectX, 等等
  - 使用专用用库充分写了支持优化速度和体积的汇编程序
  - 象BASIC关键字一样完全支持Win32 API
  - 汇编程序内嵌
  - 为快速编译使用固定文件预编译结构
  - 结构化 CLI编译器
  - 高效率,包括大量关键词,联机帮助
  - 支持XML,正则表达式,ftp ,http,…….
  - 友好的系统,简单而好用,安装方便



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   ²²  
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 

° °±²  °±²²±°  ²±° °
 
Date.: 12/2009
Disks: 08 * 4,77MB


PureBasic is a native 32 bit and 64 bit programming language based on
established BASIC rules. The key features of PureBasic are portability
(Windows, Linux, MacOS X and AmigaOS are currently supported), the production
of very fast and highly optimized executables and, of course, the very simple
BASIC syntax. PureBasic has been created for the beginner and expert alike. We
have put a lot of effort into its realization to produce a fast, reliable and
system friendly language.

In spite of its beginner-friendly syntax, the possibilities are endless with
PureBasic’s advanced features such as pointers, structures, procedures,
dynamically linked lists and much more. Experienced coders will have no
problem gaining access to any of the legal OS structures or API objects and
PureBasic even allows inline ASM.

The main features of PureBasic

Huge set of internal commands (1100+) to quickly and easily build any
application or game

All BASIC keywords are supported

Very fast compiler which creates highly optimized executables

No external DLLs, runtime interpreter or anything else required when creating

Procedure support for structured programming with local and global variables

Access to full OS API for advanced programmers

Easy but very fast 2D game support trough dedicated libraries (DirectX, SDL,

Easy and high quality 3D support based on OGRE

Optimal use of the available hardware by using highly optimized (assembly)

Source code is portable between AmigaOS, Windows, MacOS X and Linux

Dedicated editor and development environment

Powerful integrated debugger and profiler to easily trace and analyze codes


° °° °±²  °±²²±°  ²±° °° °
 
1) Unzip, Unrar and install

2) Enjoy

° °±²  °±²²±°  ²±° °
 


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