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DevForce数据服务填补了应用基础设施的差距栈之间,数据访问层(DAL)的两端,客户端应用程序开始。这个差距的关注您的“商业逻辑层”。如何成为你的原始数据的行为,逻辑和规则的业务对象。如何使你的业务对象和层次遍历跨网络…安全可靠。你如何为他们的LINQ查询并保存更改事务上。你如何在规模和最高性能的这一切。DevForce填补了这一空白数据服务让您不必重新建立它,维护它,保护它。我们已经有八十年的艰苦客户体验,并在现场生产跨越的频谱应用。NET客户端技术: WinForms, ASP.NET, WPF, Silverlight

DevForce is a framework for building and operating data-rich business applications. DevForce provides the tools, techniques, and libraries that you need to build powerful business applications fast.

DevForce’s shared domain model makes it easy to develop, test, and deploy applications across multiple client technologies. It also makes it easy to standardize your development environment onto a single framework that lets developers move seamlessly across projects.

DevForce takes care of your application’s infrastructure—the gap between your data-layer and client-layer where the difficult job of turning raw data into business objects and moving them to and from the client’s screen takes place.

DevForce fills this gap so you don’t have to. Instead of building, maintaining, revising, and defending your application’s infrastructure; you can focus on what you do best—application development.

An end-to-end development platform.

Cocktail brings DevForce and Caliburn Micro together to provide an end-to-end foundation for building applications.
Extend the Entity Framework.

DevForce extends the Entity Framework with n-tier architecture, client-side caching, multiple data sources, offline capabilities, and more.

Code First
No EDMX. No Designer. Better than ever.

Code First lets developers build their entity model classes without struggling with EDMX, visual designer, or database changes that put the model at risk.

Code First is a welcome addition for developers who prefer to focus on their model and classes rather than the database.

Run multiple clients using a single infrastructure.

Build your application with DevForce and use the same server-side code to drive multiple front-end clients. Silverlight, WPF, iOS, HTML/JavaScript—no matter what platform your customers use today, or in the future, you’ll be ready.

A model for your MVVM implementation.

DevForce provides the model and simplifies MVVM development for whichever MVVM style works best for you, be it Caliburn, Caliburn Micro, MVVM Light, or Prism.

Outclass RIA Services.

DevForce and Microsoft RIA Services share a common high-level approach to building data-driven applications. The similarities end there. DevForce is more productive, works for multiple client technologies, and is less expensive.

Save money in the cloud.

Windows Azure promises to reduce the costs and risks of managing the IT infrastructure that supports your application. DevForce reduces your Azure costs even more.

See the complete features list.

A uniform programming model for both client and server. Property and query interception. Asynchronous queries. Dynamic queries. Caching. Offline operation. Testing. Validation. Full LINQ, OData, and POCO support. The list of features is impressive.





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