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Plato Portrait Maker enable you easily create, edit, enhance, print, and manipulate your digital photos.It is a very professional and entertainment tool.

First,It is like a self adhesive sticker machine that you can take photo by yourself at home only if you have computer camera.The pictures have different backgrounds(frames), for example, flowers or the ocean or funny characters such as Kitty or other animals. People can change the photo style as they want by just selecting different frames from thousands of choises, so the result photos can be great to express their personality.And you also can add the base map ,edit photo brightness and others you like it in the image editor before you save it in your computer . If you have a printer,you also can print it out and then put it in wallet and share with your friends.

Secondly, you also can edit the photos on your hard disc.Its friendly interface let you more easy to operate.You can change the frame of the photos,alter the color of the photo quickly and easily,adjust hues, sharpness, RGB color, and more.Many of buttons open up new windows that allow users to manually adjust the effect to people liking and make photos more beautifully.

Key Feature:
1. include kinds of background like ocean,flowers.
2. Add single frames by yourself
3. edit the photos on your pc in the image editor
4. shotting and print out photos
5. friendly interface to operate
6. combine the photos as you like
7. add decorations to the photos
8. add base pictures to the photos





“Plato Portrait Maker v1.0.5 (Win32 云端版).exe”为软件的云端版本,无需注册,下载运行解压后即可直接使用。云端版本用完不想用了可以很彻底地从系统中删除,适用于想尝试该软件的用户使用。


注意事项:如果遇到“14001:并行配置错误”、“15002:应用程序初始化错误”或点击运行之后长时间无反应的情况,请从“微软官方网站(点此进入)”下载安装 VC2005 运行库。

软件类型: 图形图像-图像处理
软件性质: 无插件绿色软件 / 共享软件
应用平台: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
资源发布: 大软件分享基地
版权声明: 软件版权归原作者及原软件公司所有,如果你喜欢,请购买正版软件,所提供之软件只供学习用,由此产生的任何法律问题和经济损失盖不负责。
共享时间: 全天长期做种
共享服务器: eDonkeyServer No2

测试通过操作系统: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 (云端版目前仅支持在32位 Windows 下运行)

查毒情况: 使用 Avira AntiVir 英文版(程序版本:,病毒库版本:查毒,未发现报毒情况。




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