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ArtRage Studio Pro(彩绘精灵) 是非常强大的油画制作软件,可以充分发挥你的想象力,绘制出属于你的油画作品。作为小巧的模拟自然手绘的软件,ArtRage具有干净的界面、简单直观的操作。



Ambient Design 发布了他们的新一代绘图软件 ArtRage 3(彩绘精灵),软件支持Windows和Mac OSX,能工作于目前大多数绘图板下,其简易的操作界面对于新手也很容易上手。软件附带的笔触类型和风格也很丰富。新版本相对于旧版本挺升了性能的同时也增加了许多的画笔类型和新的功能。

作为专业的油画绘制软件,ArtRage 可以充分发挥你的想像力,绘制出属于你的油画作品。ArtRage 模仿自然画笔的功能非常强大,它对各种画笔特性的模仿能力令人叫绝。

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ArtRage is a painting and drawing package that simulates real world tools on your computer.
Ever wanted to try oil painting but not had the equipment and been worried about the mess? Or perhaps you’re an artist with a computer but no desire to learn complex new tools in a digital environment or a digital artist wanting a touch of real media? By providing a set of painting and drawing tools that simulate familiar, real world tools ArtRage lets you try out a wide range of different artistic styles in a single, easy to use application. Read on for more information…

Who can use ArtRage?

Because ArtRage is designed to work like real painting and drawing tools, it can be used by almost anyone. The interface is easy to understand and gets out of the way while you are working so you don’t spend time configuring panels when you could be painting. What’s more, it’s fun to smoosh around paint and blend colors right there on the canvas.

Beginners: If you’re new to painting and drawing, you can take advantage of the Tracing Image system to import a photo as a guide while painting. Let ArtRage pick colors from the image for you and you can focus on your brushwork and developing your skills. Tools like Glitter or ArtRage Studio and Studio Pro’s Stickers make creating craft projects on your computer easy and fun.

Teachers: If you’re an art teacher, ArtRage can be a great bridge between working on paper and working on a computer. Take the skills you’ve taught on paper and see how those work on the computer before branching out and exploring more technical features like layers. The focus on natural creativity in ArtRage frees students from fiddling with pixels and lets them develop their art.

Traditional Artists: If you’re a traditional artist who has avoided digital art tools, you’ll find ArtRage pleasantly familiar. Rather than spending time learning a whole new set of tools and methods, you can take many of your familiar techniques and work with them inside the software. Lay down blobs of color and blend them with a palette knife, and work with settings that reflect how you work with real pigment. You can even pin reference images to your canvas while you work.

Prototype your paintings in ArtRage without needing to spend money on canvas or pigment, and use your computer as a companion to your traditional work rather than a replacement.

Digital Artists: If you’re a digital artist who wants to add some natural paint to your images, you can still work with layers, blend modes and other digital tools. ArtRage Studio and Studio Pro offer selection tools, flood fills, and text to make the workflow easier. Support for PSD images imported and exported with their layers, groups, blend modes, and text layers intact makes it easy to use ArtRage alongside your other applications.



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