
IPB Image

应用平台:Windows XP (SP 3), 2003, Vista or Windows 7


此外, PdfEditor允许你创建新的PDF文件。您可以从一个空白的PDF文档,用各种工具编辑或创建一个PDF文件,从现有的其他格式文件(例如, WORD,EXCEL, PowerPoint等) 不同的文件可以合并成一个PDF文件或现有的PDF可以与其他文件(如Word)中补充。

PdfEditor编辑PDF文件从未如此简单。无论你是想在PDF或交换照片例如改变文本,或从PDF文件中删除特定的网页,插入新的页面,并保存为一个新的文档, PdfEditor使这一切成为可能——-快速,简单和可靠。

We also offer a trial version so that you can try PdfEditor out before buying it. The trial version contains all the features of PdfEditor, however, it inserts a watermark in all edited PDF documents (a backup of the original file is, of course, created).

Edit directly in PdfEditor. The result is displayed immediately in the page preview (WYSIWYG – What You See Is What You Get).

Edit text directly in the document, change font type, size, color, format, scale and effects Edit, move, delete, rotate, copy and paste, group, anchor, align and mirror text, images and paths, change the page order.

Move and edit text, images, and paths, delete, rotate, copy and paste, group, host, anchor, mirror, change order

Drag&Drop support

You can undo actions as often as you like

Edit objects by means of tabs or individual tool windows

Ruler feature, align objects with the grid

Create a PDF

Create PDF documents from text files, Office documents (Word/Excel/PowerPoint) as well as from more than 301 other file types

Create PDF documents from images. Supports file types: BMP, WMF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, JPEG2000, ICO, PCX, PSD, TGA, PBM, EPS. Depending on image format, with transparency and resolution

Create a PDF directly from a website

Create a PDF with integrated optical character recognition (OCR) directly from a scanner

Create a PDF from a clipboard (e.g., screenshot)

Combine several supported files into a PDF document

Create PDF documents directly and combine them into a PDF from the Windows Explorer context menu

Edit a PDF

Edit text directly in the document

Align text with tabs

Break up text lines at the cursor

Search and replace text

Create bookmarks from text

Load, save, scale and crop images, convert and mirror color spaces, and remove transparency

Edit images using an external image editing program

Edit paths; insert, move, delete points; close path; set fill color and line color

Make a scanned PDF text searchable with integrated optical character recognition (OCR)

Insert, delete, rotate pages, set and remove crop box

Rearrange pages in the preview window with Drag&Drop

Extract pages and insert them in a new document

Edit metadata such as author and keywords

Edit bookmarks

Show/hide layers

PDF security

Open protected documents (password and certificate protection)

Driver provided for smart card/token, encrypted documents

Save a PDF

Setting the document view upon opening

Embedding or removing page thumbnails

‘Save cleaned up’ to remove unused PDF objects

Optimize PDF for fast web view (linearization)

Save with password protection, reservation of rights such as printing, extraction and modification of contents

Save PDF and attach to an e-mail

Automatic backup


Windows Explorer integration

Automatic update function

IPB Image

IPB Image

IPB Image

System requirements

The following minimum requirements must be met in order to use the PdfEditor software:
Windows XP (SP 3), 2003, Vista or Windows 7
IBM-compatible PC
Pentium 266 MHz or corresponding processor (Pentium III recommended)
128 MB RAM (256 MB recommended)
50 MB free space on hard disk
Microsoft Office integration: Microsoft Office 2000 and above (optional)
Microsoft Document Imaging support (OCR): Microsoft Office 2003 and above (optional)
Office integration only under 32-bit Windows
Explorer integration only under 32-bit Windows




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PDF电子文档处理工具 → http://www.books51.com/307688.html



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