
Alarm Master是一套个人管理的小应用程序集合,其中包含报警时钟,计划表,定时器和日历。它支持更换皮肤。界面非常优美。 Alarm Master Plus在原来的基础之上增加了反锯齿技术和透明绘图。

简介:这是一个简单的闹钟、时程表、计时器、PC 对时器并且有一个方便好的且有趣介面的程式。只需按一下滑鼠就可以设定闹铃的时间,同时也可以在时程表上设定闹铃,你可以设在任一个时间,并可以对每一个闹铃设定文字讯息。闹铃几乎没有限制,而且每组都可以设定个自的声音,就算时间到时电脑是关着的,它也会在开机时提醒你。计时模式最长可以倒数 119 分59 秒。这软体还附有对时功能,在你每次上线时它就会自动连到华盛顿的五角大厦里的原子钟帮你对时。

This multifunctional personal organizer includes alarm clock, scheduler, timer and calendar. The program supports skins. Alarm Master Plus is the same as Alarm Master but it additional supports a lot of media formats (WAV, MP3, MPG, AVI and many other), text to speech function and astrological zodiac calendar.

The alarm clock can remind you about important events by playing your favorite music, showing and talking a notification message, opening a document, or starting the program you like.

Alarm clock mode allows to set alarm for the current day or any forthcoming date. Number of alarms is almost unlimited. Besides, there are special templates for setting the daily, weekly, monthly or single day alarms for certain time. This feature allows you to organize your schedule of course attending, schedule of monthly bill payments, calendar of birthdays, etc.

The program uses the original interface based on a classic round clock scale. It is supports skins.





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