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界面华丽,和 ACDSee 类似的照片管理软件,启动速度快,功能多且全。8.1 新版带来了众多新的改进和体验。

大家可能比较关注 APC 和 ACDSee 到底体验和功能上有何差别,这里有一篇 APC 7.0 的使用评测,写得比较详细,大家可以看看:《图像管理新选择 Ashampoo Photo Commander新版详评》


Ashampoo 是德国的一家公司,公司成立于1999年,国人戏称其译名为“阿香婆”,这家公司的产品线很长,出的软件五花八门,至少也有20多款软件,包括了杀毒杀马的、防火墙的、刻录的、截图的、办公的、系统优化的、系统卸载清理、磁盘整理的、图片处理的、网络视频下载的、视频转换、音乐播放的、文件加密的等等。软件界面一般都比较华丽,但其软件并非华而不实,有很多软件越加受到国人的喜爱。

Ashampoo Photo Commander 是一款快速、方便和功能强大的浏览、组织、增强、编辑和归档图片及数码照片的工具,支持60多种图像格式,及常见的音频、视频格式。 界面美观,支持皮肤更换,对系统资源佔用更小,啟动更快。 支持全屏幕、幻灯片、设成桌布、简易的特效、改变大小、批次转文件功能等等。 另外还具有多种方式的屏幕抓图,创建gif 动画,多页面图像,工具笔等很实用的功能。 另外还具有多种方式的屏幕抓图,创建 GIF 动画,多页面图像,工具笔等很实用的功能。

另外还具有多种方式的萤幕抓图,创建 GIF 动画,多页面图像,工具笔等很实用的功能。 在"选项"里还可以设置图像档关联,关联后的图像可以直接用 APC 打开。

阿香婆打开程序的速度相当快,而且大部份会用到的功能一样不少!官方网站更提供其它功能 Plug-in 模组以及其它介面主题,这套软件可以囊括所有的需求,也应该可以满足您大部份的需求,试试看,相信您也会喜欢上它。


The only tool you need for organizing, editing, presenting and sharing your digital photos, with support for video and audio files too.
Ashampoo Photo Commander is probably the only tool you need for organizing, editing, sharing and presenting your digital photos. In addition to this it can also be used for managing your audio and video files, with high-quality integrated players.

Finding photos is easy, no matter how big your collection is: You can sort and search for images and duplicate images by names, tags and other attributes, view your collection by folder or date, view thumbnail previews of all your images and more. Instant previews and full-screen mode are always just a click away, along with integrated viewers and players for video and audio files.

All the photo editing tools you need are included, you don’t need additional software: Enhance your images with the one-click optimizer. Remove the “red eyes” from flash photos, adjust colors, contrast, hue and many other parameters, resize, crop, rotate and add a wide range of special effects, including some brand-new effects in version 8.

After editing you can then use the many integrated creativity tools to turn your photos into slide shows with music, web albums, photo collages, calendars and more. There’s also a Photo Collage tool that creates an attractive collage of multiple photos in seconds, with a 3D effect so that the result looks like a real collage of photos on a pin board with a background.


What’s new in version 8

Version 8 is a major update with countless improvements, but it focuses primarily on making everything even easier to use and more efficient than ever before. We have gone through every feature of the program and fine-tuned it to make a great product even better. New users will love how easy everything is to use, existing users will feel at home immediately, but with better tools and even faster, smoother performance.

Improvements in detail

User interface and photo/media organization
Thumbnail previews are now generated in the background so that you can start working immediately – this is great for media folders on network drives and online and big RAW images. You can now view the contents of multiple folders in a single view, for example all the photos in “My Photos” including sub-folders. The new “Calendar View” tab displays all the images in the selected folders and sub-folders by date and time. The new Film Strip view displays thumbnails as a rolling “film strip” with a preview above it. The media database is now optimized automatically at regular intervals. Thumbnails now fade in and out smoothly when you switch between folders. Video thumbnails are now identified clearly by a video camera icon in the corner.

New photo captions feature
There is now a Description bar under the preview in Photo Commander where you can add and edit descriptions as captions. Descriptions stored by Windows Explorer and other applications are displayed here automatically – similarly, descriptions stored in photos in Photo Commander will be displayed in Windows Explorer and other applications.

Previews and full-screen mode
Better interface controls for faster and more intuitive photo/video previews with fewer clicks and better full-screen editing capabilities. Smoother transitions and better zooming with additional options. Faster switching between images in preview mode.

Editing and effects
Advanced anti-aliasing now provides smooth edges for all shapes, lines, curves and objects. Switching between editing objects is now super-fast and easy and editing is faster throughout. Images can be auto-rotated when you import them using information saved by your digital camera. New resizing technology generates much better results when you make your images bigger or smaller. Cropping photos to predefined sizes and aspect ratios is now much faster and easier.

Searching, renaming, sorting, wizards
A new technology makes finding duplicate images faster and easier than ever before. You can now sort photo files by the date they were taken on as well as by their file date. An updated Batch Rename tool enables you to change the names of multiple files with new options like lower case, upper case, remove part of the name, remove extension etc. There are similar improvements in other wizards, including Batch Process, Batch Redate (change date), Collage Tool and Calendar

Printing and scanningn
An improved Print dialog makes it easier to print one or more copies of single or multiple photos. You just click on the image, select Print and instantly get a new dialog with a preview and interactive print options including a header and footer. You can now also choose between scale and auto-crop for printing when your images don’t fit on the chosen output paper. Support for scanners has been improved across the board.


Ashampoo Photo Commander Highlights

Batch Processing
The Batch Processing tool can save many hours of tedious work, converting to different formats and applying effects to multiple files in a single operation.

Email, PDFs, and disc burning
You can mail your photos, export them to PDF files and burn them to CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs – here the program benefits from Ashampoo’s long experience in disc burning software.

Web albums, slide shows and more
You can also create web albums, slide shows with music, photo collages, photo calendars, photo cards with frames, contact sheets, “photo mix” combinations and multi-image TIFF files (single-file slide shows).

Audio and video
Ashampoo Photo Commander organizes video and audio tracks just as easily as it can manage your photos, with integrated players for both formats. You don’t need to switch to separate programs to manage your multimedia files.

Camera and scanner import
Import photos directly from your digital camera or scanner. The intelligent interactive importer makes it easy to select and import your images, and it can now also rotate images automatically if the camera provides the information for this.

Skins and Plugins
You can load different ‘skins’ to give the program a different look or even redesign the program’s user interface yourself. Ashampoo Photo Commander also supports plugins for handling additional file formats.

IPB Image

New features

* Many improvements in the user interface
* New calendar mode: Display images in all selected folders in a single list, sorted by year, month and date
* New filmstrip browser mode: Shows thumbnails as a “rolling filmstrip” below a preview window
* New multiple folder preview: Shows contents of all selected folders in a single window, including sub-folders
* New function to add descriptions to photos – displayed as a caption and stored in the photo, readable by other programs
* Improved editing tools with anti-aliasing for all objects for smoother images and higher quality
* Instant printing for single and multiple photos – just click and select Print for an instant Print dialog with preview
* Even better interactive full-screen mode for photos and videos
* Faster photo viewer with better zoom features
* New, more effective method for finding duplicate photos
* Improved resizing quality, new photo effects


“Ashampoo.Photo.Commander v8.1.0.rar”和
“Ashampoo.Photo.Commander v8.0.0.rar”为软件的安装程序压缩包,带注册机【特别说明:软件激活过程一定要断网(防火墙阻拦)进行,不然会验证失败】。喜欢安装版的朋友请下载此文件。

“Ashampoo Photo Commander v8.1.0 多国语言版 (Win32 云端版).exe”和
“Ashampoo Photo Commander v8.0.0 多国语言版 (Win32 云端版).exe”为软件的云端版本,下载后直接运行解压即可使用,无需注册,用完不想用了可以很彻底地从系统中删除。适用于想尝试该软件的用户使用。


※ 注意:无论是使用安装版还是云端版,都请谨慎使用在线升级功能,以防止激活失效。

软件类型: 图形图像类-图像处理类
软件性质: 无插件绿色软件 / 共享软件
应用平台: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
资源发布: 大软件分享基地
版权声明: 软件版权归原作者及原软件公司所有,如果你喜欢,请购买正版软件,所提供之软件只供学习用,由此产生的任何法律问题和经济损失盖不负责。
共享时间: 全天长期做种
共享服务器: eDonkeyServer No2

测试通过操作系统: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 (目前仅32位)


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使用 卡巴斯基反病毒软件 2010 (程序版本: (b.c),数据库发布时间:2010/03/16 10:35:00)查毒,未发现报毒情况。




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