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应用平台: Windows7 (64/32bit), Vista (64/32bit), XP

JoyToKey是通过手柄或操纵杆来模拟键盘、鼠标的软件,它可以将手柄输入模拟成键、鼠输入传到系统中,完成不支持手柄或操纵杆的操作。更为难得的是,该软件支持几乎所有的游戏手柄,连低端的仿PS的并口手柄也不例。 目前还有很多计算机游戏不支持手柄, 这给电视游戏玩家和喜欢用手柄的计算机游戏玩家操纵游戏带来了不小的麻烦,其实,一切都可以用JoyToKey来解决。

JoyToKey 使用游戏控制器来模拟键盘操作,它将游戏控制器输入转换为键盘或鼠标输入。使用 JoyToKey,您就可以使用游戏控制器来操作原本不支持游戏控制器的应用程序,如一些老游戏等。只要您愿意,甚至可以使用它来操作 Word、Excel 等!

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JoyToKey enables you to control most softwares (e.g. social web games, FLASH games, office applications or even Windows itself) by using your favorite windows joystick. Whenever you press joystick buttons and sticks, JoyToKey will convert the joystick input into keyboard strokes or mouse movements so that the target application works as if you used a real keyboard or mouse!

Virtual joysticks (a.k.a. SHIFT-key function)

Assume your joystick has only 6 buttons, and you may wish to have many more buttons to assign various key functions. Then, you can configure various key assignments for a virtual joystick number and you can switch the key assignments by pressing a special joystick button (a.k.a. SHIFT-key button).

In the example below, while a button 3 of Joystick #1 is pressed, key/mouse mapping configured for a virtual Joystick #3 will be used.

Switch between multiple key assignments

Starting from 5.0 version, JoyToKey allows you to assign two or three sets of key-assignments for a single button, and switch among them in several ways.
Switch in rotation
In the sample screenshot below, key-assignments will simply rotate like "A -> B -> C -> A -> B -> C-> A -> …" whenever a button is pressed.
Switch based on press-duration
Input can change depending on how long the button is pressed.
ex) small jump key if a button is pressed less than 300 milli-seconds
ex) big jump key if a button is pressed more than 300 milli-seconds
Switch based on analog input level
For analog stick inputs, the assignment can change depending on the analog input level.
ex) small stick input => slow movement key binding
ex) large stick input => fast movement key binding

Define a priority among multiple joysticks

In case you have multiple joysticks and want to always use one of them as "Joystick 2" (or any other joystick number), you can define a priority/preferred number for each device.
(Menu: "Preferences" -> "Configure joysticks")


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