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"本书详细概述了如何用Visual Basic发掘Windows 32位操作系统的全部潜力。作为一本世界畅销的指南性读物,它覆盖了Win32 API的全部要素 从窗口管理和绘图操作,从高级的过程控件到过程间通信技术。附带由Desaware出品的API Toolkit和Desaware API类库;通过VB加载项支持,提供API函数库;涵括Win95、WinNT、Visual Basic 4.0/5.0及大多数VBA语言"

Quickly harness the full power of the Windows® 32-bit operating system using Visual Basic. This best-selling guide covers every key element of the core Win32 API—from Windows management and drawing operations to advanced process control and interprocess communication techniques. Dan Applemen shows you how to translate C and C++ based Win32 documentation to Visual Basic, how to port 16-bit applications to 32-bits, and how to design applications to run on different versions of Windows.

Part 1: The Windows API
Chapter 1: DLLs and APIs ….. 2
Chapter 2: Getting a Handle on Windows ….. 16
Chapter 3: The Visual Basic-Windows Interface ….. 40
Chapter 4: Real World API Programming ….. 76

Part 2: Windows API Functions
Chapter 5: Windows Control and Information Functions ….. 134
Chapter 6: Hardware and System Functions ….. 254
Chapter 7: Device Contexts ….. 366
Chapter 8: Drawing Functions ….. 478
Chapter 9: Bitmaps, Icons, and Raster Operations ….. 626
Chapter 10: Working with Menus ….. 726
Chapter 11: Text and Fonts ….. 790
Chapter 12: Printing ….. 866
Chapter 13: Rio Operations ….. 960
Chapter 14: Processes and Threads ….. 1096
Chapter 15: Memory, Strings, Structures, and Resources ….. 1202

Part 3: Windows Messages
Chapter 16: General Windows Messages ….. 1280
Chapter 17: Edit Control Messages ….. 1342
Chapter 18: List Box, Combo Box, and Button Messages ….. 1370

Part 4: Real World AN Programming Revisited
Chapter 19: Using API Calls from VB – A Trade-off In Software Design ….. 1406
Chapter 20: Building an API Clan Library ….. 1428

Appendix A: Using Callbacks, APIGID32.DLL, dwcbk32d.oax, and dwsbc32d.ocx ….. 1450
Appendix B: Windows Data Structures ….. 1467
Appendix C: Windows File Formats ….. 1468
Appendix D: Visual Basic-to-DLL Calling Conventions: A Technical Review ….. 1473
Appendix E: Raster Operation Table ….. 1480

Index ….. 1481

The following three chapters appear on the CD-ROM included with this book
Chapter 21: Serial Communications
Chapter 22: Network Functions
Chapter 23: API Type Libraries

Visual Basic 6.0下最为经典API编程书籍!本书附带源码,方便兄弟们学习研究!

杀毒软件:symantec antivirus9.0.0.338
病毒库:2008-4-17 rev.1


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Visual basic API程序员指南 Visual Basic Programmer's Guide To The Win32 Api Dan Appleman iso → http://www.books51.com/325271.html



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