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  WordPress 是一种使用 PHP 语言和 MySQL 数据库开发的开源、免费的 Blog(博客,网志)引擎,用户可以在支持 PHP 和 MySQL 数据库的服务器上建立自己的 Blog。
  WordPress 是一个功能非常强大的博客系统,插件众多,易于扩充功能。安装和使用都非常方便。目前 WordPress 已经成为主流的 Blog 搭建平台。
  WordPress 的原版是英文版的,UTF-8 编码,最新版本为 2.9。为满足日益庞大的中文用户需求开辟了中文官方站点且提供中文版程序下载。还有爱好者开发了中文语言包,使其可以支持中文。不过,由于使用的编码原因,中文字符截断时会出现乱码。不过桑葚网友制作的中文 WordPress 工具箱插件可以解决这个问题。
  WordPress 可以说是世界上目前最先进的 weblog 程序。目前开发的程序大多都是根据它仿造的。它更能把握搜索引擎,在你使用 WordPress 并掌握几种插件后,对于优化将不用过多的操心,它会为你想的更多。

Install WordPress and go beyond blogging

WordPress is so flexible that developers are now tapping it to create robust applications for content, contact, and e-mail management. Whether you’re a casual blogger or programming pro, this comprehensive guide covers WordPress from the basics through advanced application development. Learn how to use custom plugins and themes, retrieve data, maintain security, use social media, and modify your blog without changing any core code. You’ll even get to know the ecosystem of products that surrounds this popular, open-source tool.

Enhance your blog/’s findability in the search engines and beyond
Discover hooks and leverage the WordPress event-driven programming interface
Create WordPress widgets in only a few minutes
Explore alternate uses of WordPress
Enhance your blog with WordPress MU
Ensure your plugins maintain future compatibility
Create highly customizable and dynamic themes using template tags
Learn best security practices as a user and developer

Companion Web Site

Visit http://www.wiley.com/go/wordpressbible for all of the author’s example files from the book.

Install, secure, and maintain WordPress

Extend WordPress with plugins and themes

Enhance your blog with WordPress MU

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