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现在是一个信息发达的时代,书籍与光盘等各种信息储存媒体的取得都很容易,因而人们可以在自己家中将自己喜欢的各种音乐、影片、文字等信息收藏起来。不过当这些媒体数量一多,管理起来就不是那么容易了。想要轻松的管理众多的信息媒体吗?让 Librarian Pro 帮你建立家中的媒体检索数据库吧!

Librarian Pro 帮助您管理您的书籍,杂志,游戏,光盘,软件产品的收集和电影。它可以帮助你快速检索清单和相关信息。

使用 Librarian Pro 可以将你的收藏批量组织添加到亚马逊购物车,与朋友分享,甚至输出成网页或传送到你的iPod上!Librarian Pro 还支持导入其他网站的数据,如 Delicious Library 和DVDpedia。

Librarian Pro的数据库完全兼容 Mac OS X 和 Windows 版本。

If you’re like us, you have managed to create your own mini-library of books, magazines, games, CDs, software titles, and movies. It is difficult to sort through all of them to see which ones you have on file, or to find where you last shelved a particular one. Librarian Pro is a complete personal inventory system!
Organize items into smart collections, add them to the in-program Amazon shopping cart, mark them as lent out to friends, and even export for the web or your iPod! Librarian Pro also supports importing from other cataloging applications like Delicious Library and DVDpedia.

Search for items in-program on Amazon by author, artist, title, and keyword. Details will automatically fill into new items — including product images! Additionally, up to five Amazon reviews are also retrieved for your reading pleasure. Afterward, even add your own reviews!

Librarian Pro’s databases are fully compatible with both the Mac OS X and Windows versions. Additionally, one license will grant activation for both copies of the application. Download the free fifteen day trial and have serenity return to your media collections.

* Organize items into smart collections
* Create multiple databases for different locations
* Reload details for items from Amazon
* View a borrowed items list
* Filter out duplicate inventory items
* Shop on Amazon from within the program
* Compatible with Amazon Canada, USA, United Kingdom, Japan, Germany and France
* Sleek Mac-like modern feel and controls
* View item details on the fly in the main window
* Display items in list or icon mode
* Import from Delicious Library
* Import from DVDpedia, Bookpedia, CDpedia, Gamepedia
* Import iTunes Albums
* Import Borrowers from Address Book (Mac OS X)
* Export to the web
* Export to your iPod
* Manage a list of borrower accounts
* Create records for software, music, movies, games, and books!
* Review items with a five-star system







“Koingo Software Librarian Pro v2.0.0 (Win32 云端版).exe”和
“Koingo Software Librarian Pro v1.5.2 (Win32 云端版).exe”为软件的云端版本,软件已注册,下载运行解压后即可直接使用。云端版本在用完不想用了时可以很彻底地从系统中删除,适合于喜欢软件尝鲜的驴友使用。


★ v1.5.2 版在 “某些操作系统上” 因为兼容性问题可能会有部分功能不可用(软件安装和运行的原话提示),经测试XP系统没有这种问题,Win7系统会有此提示,请用户根据自己需要来决定使用与否。

软件类型: 多媒体类-媒体管理
软件性质: 无插件绿色软件 / 共享软件
应用平台: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
资源发布: 大软件分享基地
版权声明: 软件版权归原作者及原软件公司所有,如果你喜欢,请购买正版软件,所提供之软件只供学习用,由此产生的任何法律问题和经济损失盖不负责。
共享时间: 全天长期做种
共享服务器: eDonkeyServer No2

测试通过操作系统: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 (云端版目前仅支持在32位 Windows 下运行)

查毒情况: 使用 Avira AntiVir 英文版(程序版本:,病毒库版本:查毒,未发现报毒情况。




资源无源时,可利用百度网盘 & 迅雷云盘取回

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