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Araxis Merge Professional 2007

[安全检测] 已通过安全检测
安全检测软体: NOD32防毒系统
版本: 2.70.39
杀毒引擎版本: 2762(20080102)

[安装测试] 已通过安装测试
测试系统: Windows XP
版本: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

共用伺服器: Razorback 3.0、Razorback 3.1、!! Saugstube !!、eDonkeyServer No1
共用服务时间: 全天不定时


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Araxis Merge 是一个可视化的文件比较、合并和同步的软件,能够方便的被软件工程师和 web 站点开发者使用快速精确地比较、了解和联合不同版本的源文件;进行版本和质量控制,创建 HTML 或是 XML 报告。


对于专业人员 - 立即识别每个改动,可以从其它应用程序(比如 Microsoft Word)在编辑的不同合同草案中拷贝原文并直接粘贴到某个比较窗口中。

对软件工程师和网页开发者 - 快速精确地比较、了解和联合不同版本的源文件。无论比较单个文件还是调整源代码的整个分支,该软件都可以精确快速地执行。使用 three-way comparison 可集成您自己和他人所作的变动。使用 FTP plugin 可以实现站点的同步。

对版本和质量控制管理人员 - 通过比较不同的源代码分支来确定,了解对特定版本的每个文件所作的每个改动。比较不同的产品版本检查是否只改动了应该改动的文件。创建为审计目的而改动的 HTML 或 XML 报告。

对代码校验者(code reviewers)和审计者 - 确定两个或三个源代码层次之间所作的改动。创建单独的 HTML 或 XML 的裁决报告。在文件或文件夹比较中填加标签和评论,然后保存为单个文件存档,email 到其他队伍成员以便校验(review)。

对其它用户 - 无论您要用文本文件的多重版本还是需要同步多重文件夹树(比如,在桌面和笔记本电脑之间),Merge 都可以帮助您节省时间,减少错误,提高工作效率。


Araxis Merge 能比较和使用不同的文本文件版本,比如程序源代码,XML 和 HTML 文件。支持带有 ASCII, MBCS 和 Unicode 字符编码。利用带颜色的 side-by-side comparison 很容易比较出类似或不同的文档,并在两文件之间画出 Linking lines 表明它们的关系。

Point-and-click merging 允许您通过简单点击按钮即可选择您要添加到最终合并版上的每个文件的选中部分。文件比较会展示合并过程中的动态更新。

Araxis Merge 可以逐行高亮显示改动的细节。可以设定成忽略空白和行尾的不同,也可忽略行改动来匹配特定的表达式。后者在忽略不重要的改动比如时间印花(timestamps)或扩展的版本控制关键字方面很有用。


Araxis Merge Professional 在 Standard Edition 的两种可视化文件比较和合并方式的基础上添加了先进的 three-way 可视化文件比较和合并。在多个人用同一系列文件时非常有用。

Automatic Merging 能实现大文件的快速合并。Three-way 文件比较可以直接在 three-way 文件夹比较窗口中进行,允许整个源代码分支的有效集成。


Araxis Merge 支持文件夹层次比较和同步,您可以比较和合并整个目录树。对探测不同版本的源代码或网页中的改动是很理想的选择。您还可以使用有效的 byte-by-byte 比较选项来检查有可记录 CDs 的集成性。

Araxis Merge 的 Professional Edition 支持 three-way folder comparison,能够合并两个文件夹层次和它们共同的根目录或者其他文件夹层次。在链接源代码控制或软件结构管理系统方面很有用。

直接访问 FTP 站点和配置管理系统

FTP plugin 使得 Araxis Merge 文件和文件夹比较能够直接访问位于 FTP 服务器上的文件。因此假如主站点运行一个 FTP 服务器,用文件夹比较来实现某网站内容的本地拷贝与主站点自己同步是有可能的。

可提供 Perforce 和 Visual SourceSafe 的 Merge plugins。使得 Araxis Merge 对处于 Perforce 数据库和 Visual SourceSafe 数据库的文件和文件夹只能实现只读访问。因此,一个 Merge 文件夹比较只能用来比较一个 Perforce 客户工作空间与数据库。



File comparison reports(比如two-way、three-way)可以创建成 HTML、HTML slideshow、XML 或 UNIX diff 格式。HTML 报告对存档和分区很有用。文件比较报告可以包括包含在文件夹比较工具中的一些或全部文件的文件比较报告,这样就可以生成文件夹比较中的所有文件区别的完整报告。这一点在代码校验和审计情况下是很有用的,尤其是在配置管理系统中可以直接生成文件和文件夹报告。


其他特点包括打印文件和文件夹比较功能,个性化程序行为和外观包括字体,颜色,无论显示是 split 水平或垂直等。

包括完全 Automation API 和 Command Line Interface,允许与其他程序(比如,源代码控制和软件结构管理系统)或工作流程紧密集成。

该产品对很多在线文档和 Araxis 站点有效,每个菜单条目,对话和对话控制都提供了上下文相关(Context-sensitive)帮助。

Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)
Windows XP Professional SP2
Windows Server 2003
Windows 2000 Professional SP4

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Merge | File Comparison, Merging & More

Merge is the visual file comparison (diff), merging and folder synchronization application from Araxis. Use it to compare and merge source code, web pages and other text files with native application performance. Compare images and binary files. Synchronize folders. Perform code reviews and audits. Work with source hierarchies containing thousands of files.



For legal professionals: instantly identify every change by copying text from different contract drafts being edited in another application (such as Microsoft Word) and pasting it directly into a file comparison window.

For software engineers and web developers: compare, understand and combine different source file versions. Work quickly and accurately, whether you are comparing individual files or reconciling entire branches of source code. Use three-way comparison to integrate changes made by you, and those made by a colleague, with a common ancestor version. Synchronize a website with its staging area via ftp using the supplied ftp plugin.

For release and quality control managers: compare different source code branches to give total confidence that you know and understand every change made to every file for a specific release. Compare product releases to be certain that only the expected files have been modified. Create an html or xml report of changes for audit purposes.

For code reviewers and auditors: identify in context every change made between two or three source code hierarchies. Create a standalone html or xml report of your findings. Add bookmarks and comments to a file or folder comparison, then save it as a single-file archive for emailing to other team members for review.

Other users: Whether you are working with multiple revisions of text files or need to keep multiple folder hierarchies in sync (for example, between a desktop and laptop machine), Merge could help save time and reduce errors by helping you to work quickly and accurately.

File comparison and merging

Merge enables you to compare and work with different revisions of text files, such as program source code, xml and html files. It supports files with ascii, mbcs and Unicode character encodings. A colour-coded side-by-side comparison makes it easy to pinpoint at a glance similarities and differences between files. Linking lines are drawn between the documents showing clearly how they are related.

Point-and-click merging lets you choose the parts of each file that you would like to add to a final merged version by simply clicking buttons. The in-place editor with unlimited undo enables complete control over the merged file as you create it. The file comparison display dynamically updates as the merge progresses.

Merge shows detailed highlights of changes within lines. It can be configured to ignore differences in whitespace and line endings, as well as changes in lines matching specified regular expressions. The latter is useful for ignoring unimportant changes such as timestamps or expanded version control keywords.


Binary and image file comparison

Merge doesn’t just compare text files. Use image comparison to compare various types of image file and instantly see which pixels have been modified. Binary comparison enables you to identify differences in data files at a byte level.

Three-way comparison and automatic merging

Merge Professional adds advanced three-way visual file comparison and merging to the Standard Edition’s two-way visual file comparison and merging. This is particularly useful when more than one person is working on the same set of files.

Automatic Merging enables swift reconciliation of even the largest files. Three-way file comparisons can be launched directly from a three-way folder comparison, allowing efficient integration of entire branches of source code.


Integrated folder hierarchy comparison and synchronization

Merge supports folder hierarchy comparison and synchronization, enabling you to compare and merge entire directory trees. This is ideal for detecting changes in different versions of source code or web pages. You can even use the efficient byte-by-byte comparison option to check the integrity of recordable cds.


The Professional Edition of Merge supports three-way folder comparison, enabling two revisions of a folder hierarchy to be merged with their common ancestor or some other folder hierarchy. This can be especially useful when used in conjunction with a source code control or software configuration management system.


Direct access to FTP sites and configuration management systems

An ftp plugin gives Merge file and folder comparisons direct access to files located on an ftp server. It is therefore possible to use a folder comparison to synchronize a local copy of a website’s content with the main site itself, provided the main site is running an ftp server.

Merge plugins for Perforce and Visual SourceSafe are also provided. These give Merge read-only access to files and folders located in Perforce depots and Visual SourceSafe databases. Therefore, a Merge folder comparison can be used to compare a Perforce client workspace against the depot. Alternatively, different branches (or the same branch at different points in time) within a depot can be compared directly. A similar plugin for AllChange is available from Intasoft.

Report generation

File comparison reports (examples: two-way, three-way) can be created in html, html slideshow, xml or unix diff format. html reports are particularly useful for archiving and distribution. Folder comparison reports (examples: two-way, three-way) can be created in html or xml format. A folder comparison report can, optionally, include file comparison reports for some or all of the files involved in the folder comparison. Thus it is possible to generate a report that is a complete record of all the differences in all of the files involved in a folder comparison. This is especially useful in code review and code audit situations, particularly as reports can be generated directly for files and folders in configuration management systems for which there is a Merge plugin.

Print support, Automation and other advanced features

Other features include the ability to print a hard copy of file and folder comparisons, and to customize the behaviour and appearance of the application, including fonts, colours, whether the display is split horizontally or vertically, and more.

A full Automation api and Command Line Interface are included, allowing close integration with other applications (such as source code control and software configuration management systems) or your workflow.

Comprehensive online documentation is supplied with the product and is also available from the Araxis website. Context-sensitive help is provided for every menu item, dialog and dialog control.

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