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Rachel Podger & Gary Cooper -莫札特小提琴奏鸣曲一 (Mozart Sonates vol.1)[SACD-r]

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        专辑英文名: Mozart Sonates vol.1
专辑中文名: 莫札特小提琴奏鸣曲一
艺术家: Rachel Podger & Gary Cooper
古典类型: 奏鸣曲
版本: [SACD-r]
发行时间: 2005年01月11日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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拉克儿 波洁 Rachel Podger,出生於英国,在德国的鲁道夫斯坦因音乐学校习音乐,然后再回英国习小提琴,曾在Guildhall学校师事Perry Hart,和多位大师习音乐,后来喜爱上古乐器与音乐,逐而三加古乐团,成为小提琴古乐家,她最喜爱拉奏十七世纪和十八世纪的古乐曲,在1997年她并和古乐指挥家宾诺克合作过演出,她现在是乐坛的顶佳独奏家及演出家,受各地的竞邀不断,本片他拉奏莫札特的小提琴奏鸣曲共四首,她以1739年制造的巴洛克名琴"Pesarinius" Genoa的漂亮声音,完美无缺及优美的詮释,使本片的音乐更有活生感,空气感及音响性完美!可说是现代的另一必听及选择的极佳版本之一。
Sonatas For Fortepiano & Violin Vol.1 / Mozart / Rachel Podger, Gary Cooper (SACD)
拉克儿拉莫札特小提琴奏鸣曲一 (SACD)
发行公司:Channel Classics
张数:1 张 - 1SACD

Release Date January 11, 2005
Duration 01:16:59
Genre Classical
Styles Chamber Music
AllMusic Review by Blair Sanderson [-]
Fans who were blown away by Rachel Podger's acclaimed Bach and Telemann recordings have no doubt waited with baited breath for her to work the same magic on Mozart's sonatas for keyboard and violin. That these sonatas are largely -- though not always -- stacked against the violin is not an impediment to enjoyment, nor is the quirky quality of the fortepiano an obstacle: Podger is clearly the star of this recording, and her vivid playing always draws the listener's attention and admiration. Partly due to her strength and confidence, but also to the fascinating sounds she produces on her 1739 Pesarinius violin, Podger is always at the forefront and a delight to hear, even when Mozart gives her next to nothing to do. Even the tedious staccato arpeggios in the Andante of K. 6 are interesting here, proof positive that Podger can make music out of the flimsiest material. Gary Cooper is an enthusiastic partner to Podger, and his accompaniment is idiomatic and quite expressive; though the sound of the fortepiano may be an acquired taste for some, Cooper controls its timbres well enough to keep it from sounding too tinny or boxy. Channel Classics provides terrific sound on this SACD, though it is not compatible with some CD players, contrary to the label's claim.
Performer: Gary Cooper, Rachel Podger
Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Audio CD (January 11, 2005)
Number of Discs: 1
Format: Hybrid SACD - DSD, Import
Label: Channel Classics Nl
ASIN: B0006959QA
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars

01. Mozart-Sonata in G Major-Adagio 5:56
02. Mozart-Sonata in G Major-Allegro 5:14
03. Mozart-Sonata in G Major-Thema:Andantino cantabile 9:37
04. Mozart-Sonata in C Major-Allegro 4:51
05. Mozart-Sonata in C Major-Andante 3:54
06. Mozart-Sonata in C Major-Menuet I & II 2:09
07. Mozart-Sonata in C Major-Allegro molto 3:37
08. Mozart-Sonata in F KV 547-Andantino cantabile 5:07
09. Mozart-Sonata in F KV 547-Allegro 8:58
10. Mozart-Sonata in F KV 547-Thema:Andante 7:38
11. Mozart-Sonata in Bb KV 378-Allegro moderato 8:50
12. Mozart-Sonata in Bb KV 378-Andantino sostenuto e cantabile 6:37
13. Mozart-Sonata in Bb KV 378-Rondeau:Allegro 4:26
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