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Angela Hewitt -史卡拉第:奏鸣曲集(Domenico Scarlatti_eD2k地址_古典音乐_音乐下载

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        专辑英文名: Domenico Scarlatti - Sonatas
专辑中文名: 史卡拉第:奏鸣曲集
艺术家: Angela Hewitt
古典类型: 奏鸣曲
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 2016年01月29日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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CDA67613 安洁拉.休薇特 / 史卡拉第:奏鸣曲集 Angela Hewitt / Domenico Scarlatti: Sonatas (hyperion)
这是Angela Hewitt 上第一次 录制Scarlatti 的光盘,但她希望会有更多,拿下16,还有 539呢! 这里的曲目选择我们都已耳熟能详,也以最好的方式呈现。
Angela Hewitt安吉拉.休伊特三岁开始学习钢琴,九岁在多伦多皇家音乐会堂首次登台演奏。同时她也学习小提琴、直笛、声乐以及古典芭蕾,但是对钢琴的狂热兴趣使她最终选择了这项乐器。也许正是因为古典芭蕾带来的“童子功”效应,安吉拉进行演奏时,因其协调的身体动作,适当的肢体语言,常被赞誉为美感、灵感和优雅的化身。伯纳德·霍兰在2007年2月的《纽约时报》上如是评价安吉拉·休伊特:“安吉拉·休伊特的演出之所以能够吸引观众,与“交流”一词分不开。很多钢琴表演者的演奏像是机械地转化,由他们心中的那个钢琴家决定演奏什么,然后发送指令,通过演奏者的身体和手指将指令传送到键盘上,然后再进入听众的耳朵。过程决定结果。只有少数优秀的钢琴家可以使作品与自己的思想和情感相融合,同时通过指尖表达出来,安吉拉·休伊特就是一位这样的优秀钢琴家。要实现这一跨越,需要一种超常的精神力量。优秀的音乐家犹如优秀的运动员,不仅要有强壮的肌肉,更要有持续的强大意志力。使每个音乐瞬间都充满激情的全情投入,可能很多演奏者在十分钟之内就会筋疲力尽,然而安吉拉·休伊特做却做到了。”
决定巴赫演奏未来风格 安吉拉·休伊特被认为是继“钢琴怪杰”古尔德和演奏巴赫“最崇高的女祭司”杜蕾克之后,诠释巴赫作品最杰出的当代钢琴家之一。身获多项巴赫大奖的安吉拉·休伊特崛起于一九八五年多伦多国际巴赫钢琴大赛,这份殊荣让她灌录了一张巴赫钢琴作品录音,成为该年度最畅销的巴赫专辑。她的钢琴技艺因此让人们在古尔德之后,再度相信加拿大是现代巴赫钢琴家们的产地。
安吉拉·休伊特曾于2003年9月在威格莫尔音乐厅举行过一场独奏会,对于这场演出,保罗·戴弗对《星期日泰晤士报》的记者如是描述:“那是一次美妙的音乐体验。这位来自加拿大的钢琴家那天的演奏十分迷人,让人听得如痴如醉… 更确切的说,在她的音乐中,我感觉自己飘起来了。我认为她是一位非常全面的演奏者,她的手指使每一个音符都那么生动而有新意,她的乐思如此精致而细腻。不仅如此,她所传达的那种精神庄重又不失魅力…”
史无前例 耗时11年录制的巴赫主要钢琴作品全集
发行公司:HYPERION (发行商品)

SCARLATTI Piano Sonatas
This is Angela Hewitt’s first foray into Scarlatti on disc but she hopes there will be more. Sixteen down…539 to go! The ones we have here have been thoughtfully programmed so each is heard to the best advantage. Her booklet-notes are personal and engaging and, as ever, she wears her learning lightly.
With so much experience playing music of the Baroque, you’d expect something highly personal from Hewitt. Even in a sonata as well known as the lilting Kk9, we hear it afresh, with no turn of phrase going unconsidered. In the bustling Kk159, replete with horn calls, she reveals as much interest in the inner parts as in the outer ones.
Comparisons with other pianists are fascinating because they show how many different interpretative approaches these pieces can take. Hewitt’s view of Kk69 is relatively spacious, Romantic almost; Anne Queffélec is quite a bit faster here; but then turn to Marcelle Meyer and it’s quicker still, with an inevitability to her beautifully moulded lines.
Or try Kk87 in B minor – one of Scarlatti’s most poignant sonatas. Hewitt reveals its Palestrina-esque elements, while Pletnev shapes its lines with great freedom. In the same key, Kk27 is one of Scarlatti’s greatest sonatas, and Hewitt lays bare every detail, though to my mind Queffélec is the more instinctive musician, though that’s true of Sudbin too.
The main issue I have with Hewitt here is that I’m too aware of her musical decision-making, which seems to lie on the surface of her interpretations rather than being concealed. The other caveat is that when Scarlatti is at his most outlandishly demanding, you’re too aware of the fact. Repeated notes on the piano are, as Hewitt points out, a nightmare: those in the anarchic Kk141, for instance, are too audibly tricky; Pletnev makes them sound almost annoyingly easy.
Among the less common pieces, Kk140, with its unusual harmonic shifts, sudden silences and fanfares, is a gem and its shifts are well captured by Hewitt. I’m less persuaded by her drawn-out tempo for the profoundly melancholy Kk109, though, as she says, it’s the only one in the 555 marked Adagio. And while Kk380, which ends the CD, sounds regal in Hewitt’s hands, it acquires a touchingly wistful quality in those of Meyer.
Performer: Angela Hewitt
Conductor: Angela Hewitt
Composer: Domenico Scarlatti
Audio CD (February 5, 2016)
Number of Discs: 1
Format: Import
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars
The modern sequence of keys had yet to be invented when Vincenzo Galilei set out to traverse them all—well over a century before Bach's seminal 'Well-tempered Clavier'. The resulting demands on the sixteenth-century lutenist are ferocious, and Zak Ozmo here fully rises to the challenge in their first recording.
Release Date January 29, 2016
Duration 01:16:00
Genre Classical
Styles Keyboard
Recording DateFebruary 25, 2015 - February 27, 2015
AllMusic Review by Blair Sanderson [-]
As one of the world's foremost interpreters of Baroque keyboard music on the modern piano, Angela Hewitt has established a fine reputation for impeccable playing and fresh musical insights. Listeners who cherish her award-winning recordings on Hyperion of the music of Johann Sebastian Bach have already experienced her exquisite playing, and they will be delighted to hear this selection of sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti, Bach's contemporary and an innovator whose compositions influenced the development of the Classical sonata. Some of these selections are well known, particularly the Sonata in C major, Kk159, the Sonata in D major, Kk96, and the Sonata in E major, Kk380, which are often anthologized, though Hewitt hasn't packed this disc with greatest hits (with 555 sonatas to choose from, there are many less familiar that deserve attention). Hewitt's performances are thoughtfully phrased, polished in tone, and rhythmically precise with a modicum of rubato, and she is alert to the subtleties that make this music so beguiling. Hewitt recorded these 16 sonatas in the Beethovensaal in Hannover, where she made her first Bach recordings for Hyperion 20 years previously, and the acoustics are nearly ideal for her style. Of course, purists may insist on only harpsichord performances of these pieces, but for compelling piano versions, this CD is highly recommended.

01. Sonata in D Minor, Kk9
02. Sonata in C Major, Kk159
03. Sonata in B Minor, Kk87
04. Sonata in D Major, Kk29
05. Sonata in a Major, Kk113
06. Sonata in D Major, Kk430
07. Sonata in G Minor, Kk8
08. Sonata in G Major, Kk13
09. Sonata in B Minor, Kk27
10. Sonata in D Major, Kk140
11. Sonata in D Minor, Kk141
12. Sonata in F Minor, Kk69
13. Sonata in G Major, Kk427
14. Sonata in a Minor, Kk109
15. Sonata in D Major, Kk96
16. Sonata in E Major, Kk380



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