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中文名: Game Development With Unity随书光盘镜像

英文名: Game Development With Unity

资源格式: 光盘镜像

发行时间: 2011年



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《Game Development with Unity》是一本深入介绍Unity游戏开发的书籍,全书分18部分,系统讲述了利用Unity引擎开发Mac/PC/iPhone/Wii游戏的方法。

|-Appendices 该书的附录部分的PDF版本
|-Chapters 每个章节的附带资源
|-Design Documents 设计文档资料
|-Final Project Files 最终项目的文件包含一个可运行最终程序
|-Resources.html 指向其他资源的文档
|-ShaderTest 一个包含全书所有阴影效果的示例工程

GAME DEVELOPMENT WITH UNITY shows you how to use the Unity game engine, a multiplatform engine and editor in one, to build games that can be played on just about any platform available, from the web to the Wii and even on smartphones. Unity’s simple interface, friendly development environment, and wide-ranging support of all popular gaming platforms make it perfect for new developers or those looking to create games with an easy, efficient, and inexpensive game engine. Throughout the book you’ll learn all the important interface commands, how to set up and organize your project, and all the basics of getting a 3D game up and running, from character importation to scripting to audio. Basic game and level design theory are taught in tandem with specific skills so you can build your game development skill set. The book is divided into five parts, with each chapter within a part covering a single concept, and new concepts are taught using step-by-step tutorials and questions, as well as through a comprehensive game project built throughout the book. GAME DEVELOPMENT WITH UNITY covers everything from building game assets, to adding interactivity, to polishing your finished game and publishing it, and provides you with all the information you need to create your own games using Unity.  

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